Widget behavior modifications via WordPress hooks
The Recent Posts widget options have been filtered to set the query’s post_type when the widget is used in a post-type-specific sidebar. See inc/widgets.php in the theme file.
To disable this behavior, add the following line to a custom plugin file:
remove_filter( 'widget_posts_args', 'berkeley_recent_post_widget_args' );
Widget form additions via WordPress hooks
The background color select option has been added to the WP Editor widget using the widget_form_callback filter. Additional filter functions are hooked to widget_update_callback and dynamic_sidebar_params to save the selected option and add a class to the widget markup, respectively. See inc/widgets.php in the theme file.
Typo Corrections
The following plugins have had their files altered to correct typos:
- Google CSE plugin: corrected “Goosgle” typo in widget title
- Per Page Widgets plugin: corrected “Speciel” typo in meta box dropdown